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12 2 月, 2021 by


26 11 月, 2020 by

追寻世界上最美的珍稀宝石是我们永远的使命。 宝石就像是指南针,牵引着我们到达地球最远的异域,在好奇心和激情的驱动下,对我们来说天涯海角也絶非遥不可及。
寻回的宝石材料中只有百分之三最精华的部份,才能得到康斯坦丁.怀德的青睐,唯有在我们工匠熟练的技艺下,宝石才能展现出自己真实的面貌,有的响亮,有的沉静、有的活泼,有的低调,华丽、端庄、典雅或豪华,我们一 一展现,發挥出每颗宝石不同的特性,让您能不断重新發现无穷绚丽的色彩


25 11 月, 2020 by


8 9 月, 2020 by

像鹅卵石般质朴的外观是大自然的杰作,唯有精练的老手才有办法预料隐藏在神秘面纱下的美丽, 只有真正的大师才能将这种美丽带入人间。 除了颜色和淨度,切割角度的抉择和出色的技法决定了价值。 要用蛋面或是刻面? 规划宝石的切磨方式是上司的工作 – 凭藉经验丰富的慧眼,指间在石面上轻轻滑过,原石的未来就掌握在康斯坦丁.怀德的手中。 在自家的切磨工坊内,敬业的工匠们各个都是该领域的艺术家,以直觉、耐心和先进技术的辅助下,工匠们细心一点一面汲取全部光芒,将原石蜕变成世界上最珍贵的宝石。


26 11 月, 2020 by

In 1735, some topazes found in Brazil were so beautiful that the epithet ‘imperial’ seemed appropriate. Today too, the most valuable stones come from here, and only they bear the name ‘imperial topaz’. That makes them ‚relatives‘ of the Burmese jade, for it is only with these two stones, which both get their colour from the rare element chromium, that the noblest are titled ‘imperial‘. This outstanding Imperial Topaz features a mixture of colours in one stone: from a pinkish-orange to the highly coveted pinkish-red. One of the best gems in the world.

Love of Beauty

25 11 月, 2020 by


24 11 月, 2020 by

卓越的高端珠宝代表了珠宝工艺的极致,独家宝石供应商为全球顶级珠宝圈和名流提供最佳的宝石选择。精緻的宝石让人怦然心动,最有价值的珠宝创作永远和精选的宝石联结在一起,而故事通常起始于康斯坦丁.怀德,从帕拉依巴碧玺,光影闪耀宛如加勒比海那般无可比拟的绿与蓝,或像是锰铝榴石,无与伦比的橙色映照出和煦温暖的光芒, 这些永恆的加冕,是无法估量的价值,是用金钱也买不到的真正奢华。

The pictures show examples of international jewelry designers who work with stones from Constantin Wild.

GemSlider 2

15 2 月, 2021 by


7 7 月, 2021 by

The extremely rare paraiba tourmaline, found first in Brazil, later in Nigeria and Mozambique, is typically a small neon blue or green gem. Most tourmalines get their colour from traces of iron, chromium and vanadium, but the paraiba has traces of copper, and often manganese. Their perfect interaction enhances the fascination. This saturated, swimming pool blue, flawless 15-carat paraiba tourmaline is one of the best ones ever found. A very attractive gem.