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Total Triumph: Constantin Wild to Wow Hong Kong with New Gem Layouts

16 9 月, 2024 by

September 13, 2024
Jewellery and Gem World Hong Kong takes place from September 16-22, 2024, and one of the businesses I am most excited to see is Constantin Wild, led by the eponymous gem connoisseur. This year, Constantin will reveal five exceptional gemstone layouts featuring all hues of the mineralogical rainbow, as well as some choice single stones that are perfect examples of colour, clarity and carat weight. Here, I’d like to give you a closer look at these investment-worthy gemstone specimens

Total Triumph: Constantin Wild to Wow Hong Kong with New Gem Layouts (

Exploring the Fusion of Art and Craft

17 11 月, 2023 by

In a collaborative effort to deepen the dialogue between art, design, and craftsmanship, a distinguished delegation comprising Dr. Petra Höscher, curator at the Munich Pinakothek, along with Prof. Ute Eitzenhöfer and Prof. Theo Smeets from the Fachhochschule Trier’s Jewelry Design department, joined forces with Dirk Allgeier of Arnoldsche Publisher for an enlightening visit to Constantin Wild’s renowned gemstone company in Idar-Oberstein.

Constantin Wild’s gemstone company, a bastion of excellence in the gemstone industry, welcomed the esteemed guests for an immersive experience into the world of gemstones, craftsmanship, and the intersection of traditional and contemporary design.

The visit commenced with an insightful tour of Constantin Wild’s state-of-the-art facilities, showcasing the intricate processes involved in sourcing, cutting, and refining gemstones. The delegation had the opportunity to witness firsthand the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into transforming raw gemstones into exquisite works of art.

Following the tour, Dr. Petra Höscher, Prof. Ute Eitzenhöfer, and Prof. Theo Smeets engaged in a dynamic exchange of ideas with Constantin Wild, exploring the synergies between fine art, jewelry design, and gemstone craftsmanship. The conversation delved into the evolving role of gemstones as both artistic mediums and cultural artifacts, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of the design world.

Dirk Allgeier of Arnoldsche Publisher, known for promoting and publishing high-quality art and design books, brought a unique perspective to the discussion, highlighting the importance of documenting and disseminating the rich heritage of gemstone craftsmanship.

“We are delighted to host such a distinguished delegation at our facilities. The convergence of art, design, and gemstone craftsmanship is a fascinating exploration, and we are honored to share our passion and expertise with experts of such caliber,” said Constantin Wild.

About Constantin Wild’s Gemstone Company:

Constantin Wild’s Gemstone Company is a globally recognized leader in the gemstone industry, known for its commitment to excellence, craftsmanship, and the highest standards of quality. With a legacy spanning generations, the company continues to push the boundaries of innovation in the world of gemstones.

About Munich Pinakothek:

The Munich Pinakothek is a prestigious art museum in Munich, Germany, housing an extensive collection of European paintings from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era. Dr. Petra Höscher serves as a curator, contributing to the museum’s mission of preserving and showcasing artistic achievements.

About Fachhochschule Trier:

Fachhochschule Trier, located in Trier, Germany, is renowned for its commitment to providing high-quality education in various disciplines. Prof. Ute Eitzenhöfer and Prof. Theo Smeets are esteemed members of the university’s Jewelry Design department, contributing to the development of creative talents in the field.

About Arnoldsche Publisher:

Arnoldsche Publisher is a distinguished publishing house specializing in high-quality art and design books. Dirk Allgeier, a key figure at Arnoldsche Publisher, is dedicated to promoting and documenting the cultural significance of art and design.

Our cooperation with Katerina Perez

3 11 月, 2023 by

October 19, 2023
When a business has been operating for more than 175 years, it must be tempting to look to the past and the centuries gone by rather than the burgeoning opportunities that the future holds. Fortunately, renowned gemstone cutter and dealer Constantin Wild has not fallen into this trap. He has recently embraced the latest developments in artificial intelligence to create striking images that blend minerals with colourful artworks. I am pleased to showcase this ‘Cyber Gem World’ and reveal some of Constantin Wild’s thoughts on this artificial adventure

Constantin Wild Enters the World of Digital Art (


11 5 月, 2022 by

On May 8, the guests of GemGenĂšve had the opportunity to meet Constantin Wild in person. The exclusive bookstore Librairie Bernard Letu – n°B57 offered guests to have the personal copy of their brandbook “Wild Stories” signed by Constantin himself.
Filled with books of big names like Cartier, Chaumet and Fabergé, the bookstore invited guests to linger. Of course, we were particularly pleased that among all the prestigious names, the Wild book was their best-seller during the trade fair.

Die japanische Post zeigt auf ihren 2022 Briefmarken einen Paraiba Turmalin von Constantin Wild aus Idar-Oberstein

28 3 月, 2022 by

Seit Februar 2022 sind in allen japanischen PostĂ€mtern die neuen Grußmarken “Gems & Minerals – The Art of Nature – ” erhĂ€ltlich. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eigens das Edelstein-Briefmarken-Komitee der JGS gegrĂŒndet, die im vergangene Jahr – in enger Absprache mit der japanischen Post – die Motive ausgesucht hat.

In Japan wurden Edelsteine und Mineralien bereits in der Vergangenheit auf Briefmarken abgebildet. Um eine neue Nachfrage auf dem Edelstein- und Schmuckmarkt zu schaffen hat man beschlossen, die Schönheit und die Faszination der Edelsteine auf einer neuen Briefmarkenserie festzuhalten.

Im Mai 2021 stand das Grundkonzept fest: Titel des Briefmarkenbogens, 10 verschiedenfarbige Rohmineralien auf 63-Yen-Briefmarken, 10 verschiedenfarbige polierte Edelsteine auf 84-Yen- Briefmarken.

Im Gegensatz zu den vergangenen Motiven hat der Designer beschlossen, Fotos anstatt Zeichnungen zu verwenden. Bekannt fĂŒr seine außergewöhnlichen Steine, verfĂŒgt die Constantin Wild GmbH ĂŒber eine große Bibliothek an Steinfotos. So wurde das Idar-Obersteiner Unternehmen gebeten, ein besonderes Motiv auszuwĂ€hlen.

Aus ĂŒber 2000 Motiven wurde ein brasilianische Paraiba Turmalin aus Idar-Oberstein ausgewĂ€hlt. Bei diesem Edelstein handelt es sich um einen 2,50 ct schweren, brasilianischen Paraiba Turmalin, in bester neon blauer Farbe und im Trilliant Schliff geschliffen. Constantin Wild hatte den Stein vor zehn Jahren im Angebot. Heute sind Paraiba Turmaline in dieser QualitĂ€t nicht mehr erhĂ€ltlich und wenn dann unbezahlbar, da die Minen erschöpft sind. Entsprechend ist das Bild dieser Seltenheit perfekt fĂŒr die Abbildung auf der Marke.

Nachdem der endgĂŒltige Entwurf vom Beratungsausschuss der Japanischen Post geprĂŒft und genehmigt wurde, kĂŒndigte man die Ausgabe der Briefmarken “Gems and Minerals – The Art of Nature – ” an. Im Dezember gab man Einzelheiten ĂŒber die Briefmarke, das Design des Bogens, die Anzahl der auszugebenden Briefmarken und das Ausgabedatum bekannt. Die Edelstein-Briefmarken sind nun offizielle Briefmarken der japanischen Post 2022.

Heute kann man den besonderen Stein aus unserem Unternehmen auf der 84-Yen-Briefmarke in Japan sehen. Mehr als einmal rund um die Welt.

The colours of an anniversary – forecast for 2022

1 12 月, 2021 by

By Nina Hald

In 2020, Toronto-based graphic designer, photo art director, and coloured gemstone fanatic, Katinka Champion collaborated with Constantin Wild to create an exclusive ‘2022 Forecast Colour Palette’ to commemorate his family enterprise’s 175th year anniversary year. The palette brings together some of Constantin Wild’s exquisite gemstones sourced from all over the globe.

In the world of gemstones, saturated colours are a matter of tradition, always in want for their beauty, costliness and rarity. Even though certain classics will remain in fashion, paradigm colour shifts can be felt every few years, and these are of course reflected in demands for more delicate hues from time to time.

As the effect of the global pandemic were felt in 2020 and 2021 – physical distancing protocols, global mining operation and cutting-centre slowdown – a shortage of new cut gemstones could be felt in the “pipeline”. “This shortage has created a stronger movement towards local sourcing, the re-cutting and faceting of “old source rough”; material that had been locked up in many gem dealers’ safes waiting for such a rainy day”, Katinka Champion states. With the stay-at-home orders in place, many wealthy, upper-middle class individuals, who would normally spend their earnings on well-deserved holidays, requested high quality gemstones from their local jewellers —gems that retain their value and become heirlooms for future generations.

“Created from the perspective of the gem and jewellery industry, the forecast palette features thoroughly researched and inspirational colour predictions. All of the pleochroic gemstones are bright and happy colours – most of the hues occurring naturally in Nature. Selecting the final gemstone for the palette from Wild’s vast collection of dazzling one-of-a-kind Brazilian Imperial topazes was a challenge in itself. Several of the fine gemstones in the colour palette have nuanced colours that are infused with multiple hues”, Katinka Champion says.

In December 2020, Pantone released its 2021 Pantone Colour of the Year: A pair of colours described as PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating and PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray. The pair were a marriage of colour conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that was both enduring and uplifting. Violet spinel and fancy lavender sapphires equally capture Nature’s lavender flower calmness that speaks to the consumer looking for calm in their daily lives. Many forecasters foresee that this lavender colour – a non-gender specific, gender-inclusive colour – will experience a continual rise in popularity through 2022 and 2023.

“A resolution to the pandemic will help bring a sense of a new normal back to the world at large, creating global joy. There will be a desire to party in the streets and set off fireworks—literally, not just proverbially—to let off the steam from isolation and hibernation. Colours will no longer need to be only calming and neutralizing, which were so desperately needed during the pandemic”, says Katinka Champion.

Now, that the world endeavours to climb out of the pandemic, Katinka Champion expects two colour families to resonate well with the gem purchasing public: “The warm glowing, hopeful colours captured in yellow sapphire and bicolour Imperial topaz will continue to remain popular going into 2022. A violet cast blue, which has a calming presence, will see a continual rise in popularity through 2022 and 2023. Violet spinel and Tanzanite both can share this popular hue”, Katinka Champion finishes.



FIG. 1.  3-carat Round-cut Russian Demantoid Garnet

FIG. 2.  18-carat Cushion-cut Zambian Canary Tourmaline

FIG. 3.   27-carat Cushion-cut Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire. The warm glow of yellow sapphires and bicolour Imperial topazes project a hopeful and positive future.

FIG. 4.  7-carat Cushion-cut Mozambican Neon-green Paraíba Tourmaline – a “natural neon” hue forecast in many industries’ palettes.

FIG. 5.  18-carat Oval-cabochon Turquoise

FIG. 6.  36-carat Emerald-cut Tanzanite. A vivid gemmy blue hue with a hint of violet.

FIG. 7.  7-carat Oval-cut Madagascan Pink Sapphire

FIG. 8.  14-carat Round-cut Colour Change Tanzania Pyrope Garnet

FIG. 9.  8-carat Cushion-cut Sri Lankan Violet Spinel. This, as well as the brighter lavender hues in the palette square, will see a continual rise in popularity through 2022 and 2023, according to Katinka Champion.

FIG. 10. 15-carat Oval-cut Mexican Red Fire Opal

FIG. 11.  15-carat Emerald-cut Brazilian Bicolour Imperial Topaz. Ranging from golden yellow to orange, to prized sherry red in colour.

FIG. 12.  12-carat Cushion-cut Sri Lankan Grey Spinel


8 11 月, 2021 by

On Friday, the time had finally come.

With great pride and warm words for all involved, Constantin Wild presented his new book – an impressive work with 304 pages of history, passion and fascination for gemstones.

It took three years to complete it. Gems, Colours & Wild Stories is a combination of an impressive illustrated book, paired with exciting stories and big names in the jewellery industry.

On this special day – in the gemroom of the headquarters in Idar-Oberstein – it was time for a toast. The big book launch took part in a small circle of everyone involved – with lots of emotions, excitement and anticipation.


8 11 月, 2021 by


Founded in Idar-Oberstein in 1847, the company Constantin Wild has left its mark on the world of gemstones like barely any other enterprise. For its 175th anniversary, Constantin Wild, great-grandson of the company’s founder, has been out on the trail of history. He now takes us back to the beginnings of the Wild family, which looks back on a tradition of 400 years of artistic stonecutting and also in the trading of one-of-a-kind gemstones. Travel with him around the globe on the quest for the most beautiful and rarest stones. Discover sublime items of jewelry—a selection of the very best, the zenith of international haute joaillerie. Their beauty begins with the stone, and often enough this begins chez Constantin Wild: without that fine cut, by adept craftsmen and artists, the expressive color of the gemstone fails to come into its own. Only once it has been subjected to these processes can the gemstone unfold its true character, to reach its final fiery, vivacious brilliance. The opulently designed publication Gems, Colours & Wild Stories is an homage to and an affirmation of love for the irrepressible diversity of these extremely valuable gemstones.

Available in bookstores and online.

Constantin Wild / Nina Hald (eds.)

Gems, Colours & Wild Stories
175 Years of Constantin Wild

With contributions by Vivienne Becker, Katinka Champion, Maria Doulton, Richard R. Drucker, i dem Lüle, Katerina Perez, and Gary Roskin

Graphic design: Lifestudio, Thorsten Lönnecker.
312 pp., 25 × 34 cm, approx. 425 ills.
Hardcover in slipcase. English.

€ 124 [D] / US$ 210 / £ 138

ISBN 978-3-89790-626-6   Dezember 2021

Fabergé in Germany

11 12 月, 2020 by

On the 100th anniversary of the death of probably the best known jeweller in the history of the world

On 17 September 2020, the man who was probably the best known jeweller in the history of the world and former court jeweller to the tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II, Peter Carl Fabergé, was honoured in Wiesbaden on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death.

One thing many people don’t know is that FabergĂ© lived in exile in Wiesbaden between 1918 and 1920 after having fled from the Russian October Revolution. In memory of him, a rogation service was held by Archbishop Mark Arndt of Munich, metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church for Berlin and Germany. As well as a major FabergĂ© icon of St. Nicholas (from the FabergĂ© Museum in Baden-Baden), the international visitors also had the chance to admire a model of the wheelchair FabergĂ© used while he was in Wiesbaden.

After a visit to the Russian cemetery, a commemoration was held on the “Neroberg” in Wiesbaden. Following more than 4 years of research into facts and records relating to Fabergé’s time in the spa town, the art historian and promoter Horst Becker presented its main milestones. He explained that on 30 May 1920, in the luxurious Hotel Imperial opposite the spa gardens, FabergĂ©, in his wheelchair, had celebrated his 74th and last birthday with 15 friends from St. Petersburg. He left Wiesbaden at the beginning of June 1920.

Before the plaque in honour of Fabergé was handed over to the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church for Berlin, Constantin Wild provided some background to the event with a talk about the relations Fabergé had had with Idar-Oberstein, and about his own family history.

In 1845/46, his great-grandfather, Johann Carl Wild IX, coming from the gemstone capital, worked for two years as a goldsmith’s apprentice in St. Petersburg – the business headquarters of the FabergĂ© jewellery workshop and, at that time, the world centre of haute joaillerie (the art of goldsmithery). Accordingly, he was given the name ‘Russ-Carl’ when he returned to Idar and founded the family business in 1847. The ensuing boom was attributable to sculpture engraving and thus also to the incentives provided by Carl FabergĂ© as a client around the turn of the century.

This common past was probably also the reason for Constantin Wild’s visit to Russia in 1987, probably one of the first made by a West German. Thanks to his interest in the rare but beautiful Russian demantoids, Constantin Wild played an important role in the rediscovery of these wonderful stones, which had already become legendary in Fabergé’s jewellery but disappeared completely from the world market since the Russian Revolution.

FAZ Entrepreneurial Talk with Constantin Wild

11 12 月, 2020 by

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – 30 December 2019: “Buying rough stones is one of the most difficult challenges”

The gemstone business is a vibrant international marketplace full of colour and complexity. It calls for reliable personal relationships, in-depth expertise, long-term experience and solid intuition. That is why the FAZ, one of Germany’s leading national newspapers, chose Constantin Wild for a company portrait in its weekly column “entrepreneurial talk”.

Read more about the roots of Constantin Wild’s family business with the most beautiful and valuable treasures of nature, the intriguing history of the gemstone metropolis Idar-Oberstein, and why time is the key to successful gemstone trading.

Visit the article as PDF (in German):
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bastian Benrath, 30. Dezember 2019: “Rohedelsteine zu kaufen ist mit das Schwierigste”


10 12 月, 2020 by

The Task was nothing less than to create a jewellery collection where unusual minerals become a work of art. Armonie Minerali should be a collection that shows raw beauty and nature within a surprising combination of minerals. The rings and pendants should combine minerals that are little-known and often overlooked.

Pomellato creating “Armonie Minerali” Collection at Constantin Wild’s
And where else would you find these kind of unusual combination of gems than at Constantin Wild hidden gems stone home. As his partner in this lavish project, Vincenco Castaldo – Pomellato’s Creative Director – chose Constantin Wild of Idar-Oberstein, because in a unique way, we as a gemstone manufacturer full of tradition offer the whole spectrum of the fascination of gemstones, from the raw stone to final production, under a single roof.

Pomellato creating “Armonie Minerali” Collection at Constantin Wild’s
The result speaks for itself. “This new collection is a game of complicity between Man and Nature, where craftsmanship and natural beauty unite in a joyous dance of unexpected combinations to form a new unity. After all, playfulness, with a touch of irony and irreverence, is a defining trait of Pomellato”, Vincenzo Castaldo describes the Armonie Minerali collection.

Yellow gold, pink opal, Austrian Pinolite, Dendritic blue opal off-set by a band of black diamonds or rubies: The collection combines just two cabochon cut hard stones, one band of pavé gemstones and a smooth rose gold in each piece of art.

Creative work in the basement of Constantin Wild‹Together, the Creative Director, his two assistants Marina De Ponti and Enrica Castelli and myself yet again went down into my raw stone cellar in Idar-Oberstein and set off on an exciting journey of discovery.

The aim was to find hard stones for 38 rings, which were then cut into softly formed cabochons and paired with another for contrast in colour and pattern. We were searching for little-known gems, aiming to discover the hidden beauty of nature and raw beauty, so that Vincenzo and his design team can set them in the context of an exceptional design. Demonstrating that less is more in design, the stones found were paired and joined only by a simple band of precious gems.
Every stone in my basement has a story to tell. Some of them last way back into our almost 175 years company history. That way the soul of each chosen stone turns the item of jewellery from a decorative purpose only into a convincing thoroughly personal statement.

As you can imagine, we invested a good deal of effort in the selection of stones that made a perfect match corresponding with each other. Since at Constantin Wild we can offer the combination of carrying both unusual coloured gemstones in our range, a combination which is very rare anywhere in the world, we were able to fulfil many of the jewellery designers’ wishes right there and then.

The Amonie Minerali Collection is described “a whole new level of jewellery”. Published in Vogue and other leading luxury magazines all over the world, we were glad to receive their editors and editresses as guests at Constantin Wild.

More Videos on YouTube 

German Gemstone Museum – Personal Insights with Constantin Wild

10 12 月, 2020 by

To experience the world of gemstones is to experience the world of Constantin Wild.

When visiting Constantin Wild, he rolls out the red carpet to dive into this special world. Part of the gem world is the town Idar-Oberstein – especially the German Gemstone Museum – based right opposite Constantin Wild`s birthhouse. The very exterior of the museum, housed in a jugendstil villa, takes your breath away. On three floors, it provides a home to all the gems of the world. Constantin Wild regales his guests with stories about the genesis and the processing of these colourful minerals, which were discovered centuries ago. At that time, it took a gemstone prospector a year to dig even a meter into the hillside and extract the exquisite stones from the earth. Hopefully your piece of jewelry won`t take as long as that.

Be part of the exclusive guided tour on YouTube 

Katerina Perez about Royal Gems

15 1 月, 2021 by


Since our meeting a few weeks ago at Baselworld, our special fascination for the intriguing stories and emotional value of gemstones has intensified – especially those with a royal history. In her latest article, expert Katerina Perez explores with you the noble history of these rare treasures … intense green demantoid garnets, radiant red spinels and delicate aquamarines, to mention just a few. What are some of the most exquisite pieces of jewellery in the world, and why are they of unbelievable importance to their royal owners? How did they get into their treasuries? Read more about why these minerals enjoy worldwide fame in Katerina Perez’ latest blog entry:

Sparkling greetings,
Constantin Wild

Orange Sapphires: Wild Elegance

15 1 月, 2021 by

How would one describe wild elegance?

With sapphires in the royal colour orange sparkling in cheerful light-hearted colour hues. Their stylish appearance is simply breathtaking. As most sapphires come in blue, orange sapphires are extremely rare and sheer beauties. And as if that weren’t enough, the elegant treasures also match with ‚Living Coral‘ – colour of the year 2019, named by the Pantone Institute, the world’s leading authority on colour.

Jannis Fostieris – Fine gemstones meet noble jewellery design

15 1 月, 2021 by

Jannis Fostieris runs the long established company E.W. Schreiber and sets great store in his creations by sparkling treasures from Idar-Oberstein.

GEM JOURNAL: Tell our readers something about the way your career has developed.

JANNIS FOSTIERIS: Like Constantin, I grew up in our family enterprise, which was founded by my grandfather in 1909. Qualified as a goldsmith, merchant and gemmologist, I now proudly continue the running of the company together with my mother. My home town of Hanau is one of the last places in Germany where traditional goldsmithery still has a fundamental significance. We manufacture individual jewellery for customers from all over the world – with precision and great attention to detail.

GJ: You’ve been in the business for over 20 years now. How come you’re still so enthusiastic today?

JF: That’s an easy one: my love for creation and craftsmanship is just endless. I think I have the most beautiful profession in the world! Apart from that, it’s my privilege to get up every morning and ask myself “Now, what can I do for the women of this world today?” As far as I’m concerned, a really beautiful piece of jewellery is the glory that crowns a well dressed woman. It’s great to be able to make a contribution to emphasising that beauty.

Jannis Fostieris – bracelet – 18k whitegold – Demantoid – Chrome Dopside

GJ: So what can the women of this world expect when Constantin Wild and Jannis Fostieris get together?

JF: I’ve known Constantin for many years and am a tremendous fan of his good taste. Time and again he has inspired me with gemstone compositions that create a really amazing picture. And that, in turn, inspires what I do.

That’s why in the case of these earrings, for example, I decided in favour of a simple design and an enclosed setting. The stones and the colours speak for themselves, don’t you think? Their selection is just 100% Constantin Wild!

A really extravagant stone has been used in this bracelet: this demantoid garnet is intensely radiant and has a fantastic brilliance.

But even the most beautiful item of jewellery fails to achieve perfection until it is united with the right wearer.

Gem Journal with declaration of love for home town of Idar-Oberstein

18 1 月, 2021 by

Green Edition — The latest issue of the Gem Journal, our exclusive magazine for friends of the company, is dedicated to the world of green gemstones and the balance between Nature and entrepreneurial responsibility. But it is also a declaration of love for the HunsrĂŒck-Hochwald National Park and the gemstone town of Idar-Oberstein. The readers will receive some delightful insights into the picturesque landscape and culinary specialities of the HunsrĂŒck. Aptly, the magazine also presents sparkling gemstones in green and shows that a green lifestyle can be luxurious too. “Green is not just most people’s favourite colour”, says managing director Constantin Wild. “It’s also a symbol of harmony. As a family enterprise that is regionally based but acts globally, this accord with our surroundings is very important to us.”

Multi-faceted exploratory tour of Idar-Oberstein

The fourth edition of the Gem Journal stands for international trends and local down-to-earthness. The magazine provides some unusual insights into the company, goes on an exploratory tour in the HunsrĂŒck-Hochwald National Park, and even takes the reader on an adventure trip to Russia!

Customers and friends of the company received their own personal copy by post in last October. Visitors to Tucson Show can make sure they get theirs personally, from 5 – 10 February at the GJX – Gem & Jewelry Exchange, Idar-Oberstein Group Pavilion,  Booth #4000.

A day in a gem mine

15 1 月, 2021 by

Gold mines are everywhere in the cityscape of Johannesburg. Naturally enough, we do not see what goes on below the surface; but piled up above it there are enormous table mountains – the waste tips. That always made me curious. I didn’t actually get the opportunity to visit a mine until now, eight years later. At a tourism portal on the Internet I happened on a feature offered by the Cullinan Mine near Pretoria, in which they do guided tours of the mine site and also a visit below ground. My interest was aroused immediately and I duly booked a tour. On a Saturday in November I set off to Pretoria together with a friend, and then on to Cullinan, forty kilometres further east.

The starting point for our underground tour was the little museum, in which all kinds of memento from the history of the mine and reproductions of historical diamonds are on show. After a brief introduction, we were equipped for our expedition. The international ten-man visitor group was issued with overalls, wellingtons, a miner’s belt and the obligatory hard hat. Then, off to the mine in a personnel carrier. In a multi-media room we were shown a video which explained how to use breathing apparatus in an emergency; then, each visitor had a silver box and a rechargeable battery fixed to his belt and a miner’s lamp to his helmet. Then, down we went at last, in a high-speed lift, to 763 metres below the surface. As the roller gate rose, our eyes met the pit and our underground walk through the tunnels began. The air was good and the temperature, at 26 degrees, bearable. Our guide, a retired miner, told us about work under ground with great enthusiasm and explained the various different processes at the respective stations. We visited the crusher and were able to watch a train with several wagons unloading its precious cargo, the diamantiferous kimberlite rock, into the conveyor. Noise and dust are both normal day-to-day phenomena. Again and again, we had to remind ourselves that all this was happening well below the Earth’s surface. The precious raw materials are brought up into the light of day with a combination consisting of sophisticated technology, centuries of experience and the painstaking labour of the miners, and then sent for further processing. After we had been below ground for three hours, we set off back towards the light in the lift, and because it just happened to be time for a change of shifts, 80 miners went up with us. In the lift there was such a Babel of languages that I imagined I could hear all eleven national tongues of South Africa at the same time.

Back in the fresh air again, under the midday sun, we walked through industrial facilities and past conveyors to the Big Hole. We marvelled at this enormous pit, which is 1000 m long, 400 m wide and 500 m deep, and were also shown the place where the famous Cullinan Diamond was found in 1905. At 621 g / 3106 carats, the Cullinan is the largest raw diamond ever found.

We didn’t see any diamonds shining out on our tour of the mine, but we’re sure that there were some in the rocks that had been fetched up. That insight into the world of the mine made a deep impression on us, particularly as we were able to gain it while work was actually going on – an unforgettable experience.

Editor: JĂŒrgen Waxweiler

JĂŒrgen Waxweiler

About JĂŒrgen Waxweiler: JĂŒrgen is a well known artist and sculptor who has been spending half his time living in Johannesburg, South Africa for eight years now. His home town, and the focal point of his life, is the wine village of Traben-Trarbach on the Moselle, very close to Idar-Oberstein. Our common enthusiasm for stones, rocks and art, and our cosmopolitan attitude, unite us in friendship. In November 2018 JĂŒrgen visited the Cullinan Diamond Mine near Pretoria and sent me this report, which I would now like to share with my readers.


15 1 月, 2021 by

Many generations and some 170 years of company history lie dormant in the basement at Constantin Wild’s – in the form of raw gemstones from all parts of the world.

Roughly carpentered crates with handwritten labels, many of which have yellowed with age, are stored in the room which – like the house in the style of the founders – is over 100 years old. Enormous chunks whose outer surface is ochre peer out of a wooden box bearing the inscription ‘Chile-Lapis’. A few feet further over, the radiant pink of massive rose quartzes. The label on another box of stones says ‘Agates for showcase large 1930’. Other boxes are labelled ‘Aventurine’, ‘Jasper various’ or ‘Rhodonite’, and some of them, indeed, are still bound by the metal straps in which they were shipped. No question about it: Constantin’s cellar has a nostalgic charm to it – though it is not a purely ‘historical’ warehouse.

“We offer some raw stones to regional cutting shops, whilst others go through our own in-house facility,” explains Constantin Wild, who comes from a gemstone family and now runs the company in the fourth generation. In many instances, he selects the raw stones and does the preliminary shaping himself. He demonstrates the first steps of further processing on an amethyst druse. While doing so, he explains that the amethyst is currently experiencing a kind of a revival. So it’s obvious that at Intergem, alongside other specialities such as paraiba tourmalines and sapphires in purple, there will also be some fine specimens of amethyst to be seen.
Story by: Saraj Morath

‘Wealth of stones’ in the HunsrĂŒck – TV channel SR at Constantin Wild’s gemstone mine

15 1 月, 2021 by

“In this world we don’t possess anything for all eternity. All the wealth we have is only on loan”. That’s what Constantin Wild believes. As part of the theme day on ‘wealth’, the gemstone merchant takes the TV channel SaarlĂ€ndischer Rundfunk to his gemstone mine in Nunkirchen and talks about the ‘wealth of stones’ the HunsrĂŒck boasted until the 1970s.

The programme shows why the exciting part of a raw stone is hidden away on its inside, how the best is brought out of gemstones in the cutting shop, and why Constantin Wild has the most beautiful profession in the world. When you see those delightful landscapes you quickly realise that wealth is a fitting description for the HunsrĂŒck National Park too. For natural diversity is particularly pronounced in the extensive woodlands around Nunkirchen. And the aesthetic beauty of a rare gemstone reflects that in a fascinating and original form.

The programme can be viewed in the SR media library as part of the programme ‘Wir im Saarland’ from 3 May 2018: Those who are especially keen to accompany Constantin Wild on the way to his gemstone mine should start in right away at minute 7:00.

„Stein-Reichtum“ im HunsrĂŒck – das SR Fernsehen in der Edelsteinmine von Constantin Wild

„Nichts besitzen wir auf dieser Welt fĂŒr immer. Alle ReichtĂŒmer sind nur geliehen“, so das Credo von Constantin Wild. Zum Thementag „Reichtum“ fĂŒhrt der EdelsteinhĂ€ndler den Fernsehsender des SaarlĂ€ndischen Rundfunks in seine Edelsteinmine nach Nunkirchen und spricht ĂŒber den „Stein-Reichtum“ des HunsrĂŒcks bis in die siebziger Jahre.

Der Beitrag zeigt, warum das Spannende eines Rohsteins im Verborgenen liegt, wie Edelsteine in der Schleiferei zur Geltung gebracht werden und warum Constantin Wild den schönsten Beruf der Welt hat. Bei den reizvollen Landschaftsbildern wird schnell klar: Reichtum ist auch eine treffende Beschreibung des Nationalparks HunsrĂŒck. Denn die natĂŒrliche Vielfalt ist in den ausgedehnten Waldgebieten rund um Nunkirchen besonders ausgeprĂ€gt. Und die Ă€sthetische Schönheit eines seltenen Edelsteins spiegelt dies in einer faszinierenden und ursprĂŒnglichen Form.

Zu sehen ist der Beitrag in der Mediathek des SR in der Sendung „Wir im Saarland“ vom 03.05.2018: Besonders Neugierige starten gleich bei Minute 7:00, um Constantin Wild auf dem Weg zu seiner Edelsteinmine zu begleiten.

ZDF Info visits Constantin Wild

15 1 月, 2021 by

At the beginning of March Constantin Wild opened up his treasure chamber to two editresses from the on-line channel ZDF Info. During this look behind the scenes, the focus was on master cutter Gernot Weber. What does it take to make a good gemstone cutter?
What steps does the finishing process entail? And what matters when it comes to the perfect cut? You’ll be able to experience these and other highlights featuring individual gemstones as from Saturday 31 March, 4:30 PM CET at “SchĂ€tze der Erde” and During the shooting, we looked over Gernot Weber’s shoulder while he worked. You can view the ‘making of’ behind the programme here:[embedyt][/embedyt]ZDF Info zu Besuch bei Constantin Wild
Anfang MĂ€rz öffnete Constantin Wild seine Schatzkammer fĂŒr zwei Redakteurinnen des Onlinesenders ZDF Info. Beim Blick hinter die Kulissen stand Schleifermeister Gernot Weber im Fokus: Was macht einen guten Edelsteinschleifer aus? Welche Schritte gibt es im Veredelungsprozess? Und worauf kommt es beim perfekten Schliff an? Diese und weitere Highlights ĂŒber einzelne Edelsteine erfahren Sie ab Samstag, 31. MĂ€rz, 16.30 Uhr unter “SchĂ€tze der Erde” und Wir haben bei den Dreharbeiten ĂŒber die Schulter geschaut. Das „Making of“ zum Beitrag sehen Sie oben.